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Jubilee Bunting

It's the Platinum Jubilee in only a few days, and whatever your feelings about the monarchy, it's a good excuse for a knees-up. Fed up of Union Jack flags (or left it too late to buy any) but still partial to a bit of bunting? Download the printable PDFs here for some rather tasteful Coronation Mug bunting. Print out as many as you like, stick back to back to make it double sided , and print on thicker paper or thin cardboard to make it more robust.

You can pierce either side of the triangle and thread through ribbon or string. However, if you are printing out on thin printer paper, it's liable to rip. On thinner paper, I'd recommend folding the top over thin twine or thread, and securing it with a strip of sellotape. If you are just doing one sided bunting, and especially if it's on thin paper, it's best hung indoors, against a wall, as flapping around in the wind outside it might break, and the sellotape on the back isn't so happy and glorious as the front.

Click on the links below for 2 different styles of jubilee bunting - both triangular, but one slightly smaller with rounded edges.


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